Sunday, March 15, 2009

25 Mucho Random Factoids about Me

1) i can fold my tongue into a clam shape

2) i watch too many sappy chick flicks obsessivly just hoping some one might take notice and meet me at the top of the Empire State Building on Valentines day, but on the way get caught in an elevator with a man who knows exactly what he wants and some woman who is going to have her eyes lasered but is frustrated because she can't find her tic tacs. Causing us to never meet up, which leads him to write me a letter every day for a year declaring his undying love. all the while building our dream home with the blue shutters on the windows. When really we've met before at the University of Chicago we drove to New York together but He didn't think that men and women could be friends and i said that was a shame cause he was the only person i knew in New York. We would later run into each other and "all i could say was hello". Where he would go
on to explain that he had been painting to which i would respond if he could paint i could walk!

3.) my sister and i have a secret special laugh

4.) i think a day without song is a day wasted

5.) i like my feet

6.) if i could travel back in time i would go to a Journey concert at the peek of Steve Perry's career and ask him to marry me. mullet and all.

7.) i count down the days till Christmas and start listening to christmas music way to early in the year. like... july. my fav christmas song is "last Christmas" by WHam!

8.) i love to visit art museums

9.) i've positioned my bed just right that the sun light perfectly hits me in the face as i wake up. :) it's a glorious feeling.

10.) one day i'd like to have a husband and 10 children

11.) i miss playing sports, basketball and softball. so now i go to games just so i can feel like i'm being active. i also like to yell unintelligable things in a really angry voice.

12.) when i go home to visit my family away from the city, the first thing i do is look up at the stars. i close my eyes and take a really deep breath as if i could suck them all in. it's fun you should try it some time.

13.) in middle school i used to have sleepovers every weekend on my trampoline

14.) one of my fav lunches is a peanut butter jelly sandwich with BBQ chips and a glass of chocolte milk. all together. yum!

15.) i have a hard time saying the words : tranquilizer, cinnamon, and sorry.16.) during big moments in my life i hear the Theme song to the Mary Tyler Moore show playing in my head. then when no one is looking i toss my invisible hat up in the air!17.) out of all the books i own i've read 1/2 of them and have only read 1/2 of the other 1/2. it's a pattern in my life. starting things and never finishing. :)

18.) i love Chess (and monopoly) but can never find anyone to play it with.

19.) i like to stretch in the mornings while i brush my teeth.

20.) i have a secret desire to write a book or own my own small buisness

21.) i've recently started collecting sock monkies and vinal records.

22.) i've sung on television 3 times. (once on Good Morning America)

23.) Cantaloupe is my favorite fruit

24.) i've jumped in a freezing mountian stream in Ireland against my better judgement and lived to tell the tale.

25.) whenever possible i drive with my windows down, no matter how cold