Sunday, May 16, 2010

Movin' On Up

This Sunday St. Mark's held their graduation ceremony for the Pre-K classes. I can hardley believe how fast this year went by! When i quit my job with AAI I knew that i would be taking a major leap of faith; loosing my health insurance, paid vacation, benefits, and not to mention a major cut to my annual salary. Although i loved the company i was working for and had been at for 2 years i felt like i was missing something sitting behind a desk and was compelled to go back to teaching somehow. I felt it was worth it and put in my two weeks notice not even knowing where i would find a job or how i would pay my bills. Trusting in God alone to provide. Before my last day at Advanced Academics i was interviewed and given the position at St. Marks' Pre-School. Little did i know what a blessing that job, the kids, the parents, and my co-workers would be to me! I will miss everyone of them as they move on to Kindergarten but they have filled my life with so much joy and laughter.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from this year:

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